Load and Unload Game

This article explains how to load and unload games in the ScoreVision Producer App.

Competitions and events are typically created in the cloud prior to the start of the game. Once a game has been created in the cloud or in one of our ScoreVision Scorekeeper Apps, you can load the game in Producer to control content and layout of media as well as the scoreboard on your display. Once the game has been created, follow the instructions below. NOTE: For more information on how to create competitions and event in the cloud, please view our training video and article titled Cloud- Competition & Events - Creating a Game.

Loading a Game in Producer

1. From the dashboard, press the MENU button. Then press LOAD/UNLOAD GAME.

2. Select your game of choice from the list of available options by tapping on it. NOTE: Games are available in the list 24 hours ahead of the scheduled start time.

Once your game is loaded, you will have game related layouts available for use in your layouts bar in the upper right corner of the dashboard.

Unloading a Game in Producer

Unloading a game from the Producer App is utilized when that game has concluded and you no longer need to control it or if you wish to have Producer switch to controlling a different game.

1. From the dashboard, press the MENU button. Then press LOAD/UNLOAD GAME.

2. The loaded game is highlighted with a yellow border. Press on the loaded game in order for it to unload.

3. A popup window will appear giving you three options:

  • CLEAR ONLY - allows you to clear the game from the display in order to load a new one. This will have no impact on a ScoreVision Scorekeeper App that may also be connected to the game you are unloading
  • END GAME - completes the game and archives the results in the cloud
  • CANCEL - returns to the current game without unloading.

Once a game has been unloaded, you will automatically be return to the load/unload screen so that you can load a new game. Otherwise, press the menu button and you can navigate back to the dashboard or logout if you would like.


ScoreVision Support Contact Information

If you have any questions or need assistance, our support team is available to help.