Scoreboard-Leaderboard Layout

This article provides steps on how to engage the scoreboard-leaderboard layout on the ScoreVision Producer App.

Selecting Scoreboard-Leaderboard Layout

The layout bar is located in the upper right corner of the dashboard in the Producer App.  The current layout of your display is highlighted in yellow.  Press SCOREBOARD-LB to select this layout.

When utilizing this layout, you will see the critical game data along with the soft stats being tracked within the ScoreVision scorekeeping app.  Note: This layout is only available for basketball and volleyball.  It also may not be available based on the size of your display(s).

Depending on your game mode setting, the leaderboard may show only players who have been credited with points or stats (board & player stats mode) or the players subbed into the game (player stats & subs mode) regardless of points and stats earned.


ScoreVision Support Contact Information

If you have any questions or need assistance, our support team is available to help.